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Promo HARGA KHUSUS s/d 30 Agustus 2008:
5 CD HANYA Rp 125.000,-
sudah termasuk ongkos kirim ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia

OS-098 | LINUX DEKSTOP XP - Rp 30.000,-

Solusi bagi anda yang ingin bermigrasi ke LINUX. Linux ini sangat mirip dengan Windows XP dan sangat user friendly. Penasaran??..
Baca Ulasan Berikut:
Linux XP Desktop™ is a full-featured PC operating system like Windows but based on the stable and secure Linux platform. Why choose Linux XP Desktop?

Its a simple, reliable and user-friendly system

If you already have experience with Windows and want to quickly access all the advantages of a Linux desktop environment in your everyday work, Linux XP Desktop™ is the best choice for you. Why is this choice "the best"?

Linux XP Desktop makes your computer virus-free, stable and dependable. You'll spend less time fixing your PC and more time using a standard well-known graphical interface to get work done.

  • Full control of your computer, data and applications
  • Stable, dependable and without any reinstallation
  • Simple and clear installation and Windows-style setup tools
  • The most user-friendly interface ever made for Linux
  • Support of Microsoft Office document formats (WORD, EXCEL and others)
  • Useful tools for working with Windows networks and VPN
  • Absolutely virus-free environment
  • Free updates through a simple but useful interface (no RPM knowledge is required)
You will always know what programs are running and forget about viruses. A set of Windows-like setup tools allows you to perform system management duties in a way that is familiar to you.

To start working with Linux XP Desktop, your Windows-experience is all you need. You do not have to read tons of files on your screen, buy mountains of manuals, search the Internet for answers or call your Linux-guru every hour for help. Just install Linux XP Desktop and use it.

Screenshot bisa dilihat pada link berikut: